The main thing is two wheels and dirt, no matter which bike or terrain
Who am I and what defines me?
I am a trained sports and fitness specialist and personal trainer. Due to low demand in the industry, I started working in an aluminum foundry in 2012 and have been melting aluminum ever since. Cycling has been a part of my life from the beginning, initially as motocross, later as MTB, to stay fit. When I taught my children MTB riding in the bike park, I realized how many avoidable injuries happen to beginners. This led me to found my bike school "School of Skillz," where I now teach hundreds of people individual riding techniques so they can master the trails safely and powerfully. It makes me the happiest person in the world.

From Frontflip to School of Skillz
Racing or Cycling?
Just cycling and enjoying every second! As long as there are two wheels and dirt, it doesn't matter which bike or terrain. Cycling is so diverse, it would be a shame to focus on just one discipline. I love the variety and the different techniques you can learn. This mix defines me.
Best MTB Experience?
Definitely: Founding my SCHOOL OF SKILLZ.
Why do I love mountain biking?
I love nature, fresh air, and action. What could be better than riding cool trails? I live in Winterberg, surrounded by three great bike parks: Bikepark Winterberg, MTB Zone Willingen, and Green Hill Bikepark. Naturally, it doesn't keep me indoors in my free time!
Proudest Moment?
My front flip was a huge success for me, but I'm even prouder to help my participants as a coach to develop and achieve their goals.
Tip for Young Talents
Ride only if you're really excited! Fun is the key to success. If you need help, reach out to me! #ridesafe
Niklas' Favorites
As an MTB coach, Niklas rides our clothing in all weather. Here are his favorites.